Dear Customer,
Origene Seeds is an innovative International Seed Company, active in Plant Breeding, in Seed Production, in Seed Processing; and in Marketing and Sales of hybrid vegetable varieties for the professional sectors. Origene Seeds is an industry leader in Research and Development of new, improved vegetable varieties. The Company’s strategic focus is to develop hybrids with novel traits that have a high added- value and that meet the present and future demands of our customers.
Over the last fifteen years, we have marketed the seeds of our Cucurbit varieties worldwide and we maintain the highest standards of genetic quality, integrity and professionalism.
Research is the heart of ORIGENE SEEDS and its future.
It is with pride that I introduce the new series of advanced watermelon varieties tolerant to Powdery Mildew disease. The development of these new hybrids has been a long process taking several years of effort and using unique methods to introducing the wild genes with tolerance into cultured genetic material. This line of products is both innovative and revolutionary. This is an example of environmentally-friendly products released by Origene Seeds.
Another such example is drought-tolerant seedless watermelon varieties that need 25-30 % less water.
We are also introducing Honey Dew and Yellow Canary type melons that combine a strong plant and fruit of excellent eating quality
Origene Seeds is committed to creating and developing new varieties with a significant contribution to the fresh produce value chain, satisfying the customers’ needs for quality, taste, flavor, uniformity and high nutritional values, combined with high yields and environmental friendliness Sought by the growers.
You are welcome to browse through the catalogue and to take note of our many market-leader varieties as well as of our new hybrids.
I warmly invite you to contact our marketing team for assistance in all aspects of your variety choice, for advice with agro-technical matters and for any further information you might require.
Sincerely yours,
Eyal Vardi, PhD