Table Sugar
Table Sugar
Cucurbita pepo, Acorn Group
Table Sugar is a hybrid acorn squash with a bush growth habit, excellent crown set and tolerance to Powdery Mildew which affords good cover to the developing fruits until they ripen. The fruits of Table Sugar are turbinate, slightly flattened, with obvious longitudinal furrows and ridges, are small, averaging 400 g (0.9 lb.). The exterior is an attractive glossy black green, thus retaining the green color longer than the regular dark green acorn squash. The fruit flesh is orange-yellow, smooth and melting, with a roasted-chestnut flavor, averaging 13–14% soluble solids (compared to 7-8% in classical varieties). For utmost quality, the fruits should be picked when completely ripe, 50 days after anthesis when the ground spot is intense orange, approximately 110 days after sowing.

- Type
- Taste
- Shape
- Plant
- Size
- Shelf life
- Weight
- Season
- Flesh
- Remarks
- Firmness
- Tolerance
- Root size
- Internode
- Cultivated